Magic Mountain's The Black Line Quad Opens

The Black Line Quad's first chair with skiers/riders has run.  

Geoff Hatheway of Magic Mountain Ski Area said

Greetings from Londonderry,

we launched our long-awaited Black Line Quad with skiers and riders enjoying an 11-minute ride to the summit! Our goal has been to provide a crowd-free ski experience both on the trails and at the lifts. The new Quad now will deliver on that unique skiing experience even on our busiest sell-out days!

So many obstacles were dealt with in installing this lift--a book will someday be written--but we never waivered in completing it despite the setbacks. Now, it is all about the present and future--no looking back. And, it sure looks bright for Magic Mountain and its faithful skiers and riders.
We hope you enjoy the ride!

The next generation of Magic is now. Thank you to our Ski Magic investor group for seeing this project through; to our staff and Pfister Mountain Services for making this magic finally happen when many would have given up; and, to our skiers and riders, especially our pass holders, for keeping the faith! As I've said before, it's not easy being independent, but it's even more satisfying to persevere through the obstacles and naysayers, with a determined outlook and eyes squarely set on the future.

Keeping the soul in skiing,


Geoff Hatheway
Magic Mountain Ski Area

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