Fifth ‘Your Winter. Your Sport' Summit Takes Place in Garmisch-Partenkirchen

The summit, under the motto “Diversity. Meaning. Change”, took place in the summer so that the results can be used to implement concrete measures next winter.
New this year is the workshop format, which enables them to develop concrete solutions. Social challenges such as a general lack of exercise and increasing media consumption, especially among children and young people, as well as the necessary change in the range of winter sports on offer play an important role in this.
This year, Prof. Dr. Ralf Roth from the Institute for Outdoor Sports and Environmental Research at the German Sport University Cologne were once again the scientific director and provided differentiated impulses for practice with an exciting lecture.
Your Winter. Your Sport. sees itself as a cross-industry and cross-country mouthpiece for winter sports. The initiative aims to pool the industry's know-how and strengths and, together with all partners, inspire children and young people to take up winter sports across all disciplines.