Andorra, Candidate For FIS Alpine WSC 2027 Presents Master Plan To Seal Sustainability Commitment

Care for the environment, promoting sustainability and protecting our natural surroundings are three inseparable concepts for the World Championships Andorra 2027 candidature and strategic principles for FEDA (the Andorran Electric Power entity).

If, by the end of May, the International Ski Federation (FIS) decides to award the celebration of the most important alpine ski competition in the world to our Principality, these three sustainable principles will without a doubt be a fundamental pillar of the event. This is reflected in both the Master Plan for Sustainability and Environmental Protection of the Andorra 2027 candidature, as well as in the Agreement of Intent made with FEDA, which was presented this week by the semi-public entity.

Both documents are a clear example of the absolute commitment from the Andorra 2027 candidacy to achieve a healthy balance between economic growth, environmental care and social welfare. In order to contribute to this balance, the Master Plan is aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 2030. The Agreement of Intent made with FEDA includes measures aimed at minimizing the impact on the environment and contributing to social welfare.

© The Sustainability Master Plan of the WSC candidate Andorra 2027

In this way, following previous successful events that were held in Soldeu El Tarter (Grandvalira), the World Championships Andorra 2027 candidacy proposes a series of eco-responsible practices before, during and after the competition itself. Practices that are in no way considered temporary measures, but instead are designed with the intention of leaving a lasting legacy that propels Andorra to evolving into a sustainable long-term model.

Sustainable practices with a commitment to the environment

These practices are, for example, guaranteeing the use of certified renewable electrical energy throughout Andorra during the celebration of the Championships and the installation of charging stations for electric vehicles in the areas that are linked to the competition. It also includes promoting FEDA’s Mou_T_B app to send messages on sustainability and information about elements of sustainable mobility, or offsetting CO2 emissions that are generated, which will be done through the implementation of an inter-Pyrenean project, in which companies from the region can participate.

Those practices are some of the points included in the Agreement of Intent that has been signed with FEDA and presented this week, to achieve the sustainable and responsible objectives.

The objectives include the installation of photovoltaic plates to the roofs of all the buildings that meet the required technical specifications, and promoting the 3Rs rule: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

The 3Rs rule will be achieved with the reduction of single-use plastics by installing a network of water sources to supply the entire organization and public. As well as extending the use of biodegradable materials in all the items that are liable to becoming waste. With regard to promoting sustainable mobility, the use of electric or hybrid shuttles is foreseen for providing the transportation link between the hotels and the competition area.

During the presentation of the two documents, CEO of the Andorra 2027 candidacy and Grandvalira ENSISA, David Hidalgo, pointed out that one of the priority objectives of the 2027 World Championships is "the reduction of negative environmental impact, while increasing positive social impact". In this sense, "FEDA is a key player as a public entity producing, importing, distributing and marketing energy."

Hidalgo also explained that the 2022 European Cup Finals were already used, in the same way and that the FIS Alpine World Cup Finals next year will also be used, to test some of the practices that are included in the agreement presented today. The Deputy General Director of FEDA, Imma Jiménez, was present at the presentation, which took place at the Andorran Electric Power premises in Andorra. Jiménez explained the driving role of FEDA in energy transition and sustainability, which is the reason why the semi-public entity jointly organised the event, to celebrate together the commitment to the candidacy and the country itself in these areas.

Therefore, a powerful message has been sent to the World that Andorra is supporting a pioneering candidacy and one that, in addition, involves all of society in the achievement of these sustainable and forward thinking objectives.

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