Patscherkofel / Axamer Lizum Installs Digital Ticketing

After an extensive three-year test phase in six major ski areas, Axess has now put the first standard BLE systems into operation in Austria. Since March 1, 2024, guests of Innsbruck's local mountain - the Patscherkofel and the Olympic area Axamer Lizum have been able to conveniently buy their ski ticket in the web store and save it directly in the Axess SkiWallet app.
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) refers to a radio technology that can be used to network devices within a certain radius. It allows the cell phone to communicate with the gate. The ticket information is stored on the cell phone and can be accessed contactlessly. After activating the ticket in the app, the guest can start skiing straight away.
As soon as the skier steps into the reading area of the gate, the cell phone automatically connects via BLE and the ticket is checked for validity. Once released, the gate opens and grants access. The cell phone stays in the jacket and the gloves stay on. No more waiting at the checkout or picking up your ski ticket.