Nordic Valley's Apollo Chairlift Back Up & Running

After a long wait since April 2023, Nordic Valley's beloved Apollo chairlift is spinning once again. This is a huge milestone marking significant progress in the restoration efforts. This is far from over, there is still a lot of work left to do to get Apollo fully operational and ensure it meets the highest standards of safety and reliability.
Here’s an overview of the significant repairs and upgrades completed so far:
- New Bearings and Shaft on Pinion Shaft: This crucial component has been completely overhauled to enhance the efficiency and longevity of the chairlift.
- New Bearings and Shaft on Bottom Terminal Bullwheel: The bottom terminal bullwheel has been upgraded with new bearings and a shaft, ensuring smoother and safer rides.
- New Gearbox installed: New gearbox installed and turning like a champion.
Bottom Terminal Bullwheel Removed/Re-installed: We have successfully re-installed the bottom terminal bullwheel. - Chairs Removed for Overhaul: Each chair has been removed and is undergoing a thorough inspection and refurbishment to ensure they are safe and comfortable for rides.
- Counter Weight Replacement. A new counter weight and anchor system for the bottom terminal will be replaced soon.
- All Drive Shafts Manufactured: They have manufactured new drive shafts, including a new shaft for the top bullwheel, to improve the mechanical integrity of the chairlift.
Pascal Begin, General Manager Nordic Valley Ski Resort said "We will be soon moving our efforts towards the top terminal and address the top bullwheel. Thank you for your patience and continued support. We are incredibly excited to welcome you back to the slopes with a fully operational Apollo chairlift. Your safety and enjoyment remain our top priorities, and we can’t wait to see you out there. ...Base area update coming soon!“