"Good Governance" Seal Of Approval For OSV

As part of a funding program initiated by the BMKÖS to strengthen good governance in Austrian sports associations, the ÖSV was awarded a "Best Practice" certificate.
The ÖSV achieved an impressive fourth place in the "Large Professional Associations" category. Due to the high number of points, the ÖSV also received the "Best Practice in Good Governance" certificate.
It should also be noted that the ÖSV is the only winter sports association to have received funding. Congratulations also to the two top-placed associations in this category, the "Austrian Athletics Association" and "Turnsport Austria", who each achieved 100% of the possible points.
The Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, Public Service and Sport initiated a funding program on the topic of good governance last autumn. The aim of this program is to sensitize Austrian sports associations and organizations to the topic of good governance/compliance, to determine the status quo and to provide food for thought for improvements.
For this purpose, a questionnaire with ten subject areas was designed and presented to the associations at the end of November. After a three-month submission phase, Bundes-Sport GmbH began the plausibility check, carried out the evaluation and then the controls. Special funding was offered to those professional associations that had made the most progress with their good governance efforts.