Ministry Of Tourism Grants Financial Assistance For 4 Collective Projects In The Ski Industry In Quebec

Météo et Tourisme Colloquium: A!ertes en effet, presented by the Association des stations de ski du Québec (ASSQ) in collaboration with the Alliance de l'industrie touristique du Québec has taken place. A highlight of the event; the Minister of Tourism and Minister responsible for the Lanaudière region, Ms. Caroline Proulx, announced financial support of $1.041 million, through four collective projects for the ski industry in Quebec, as part of the Regional Partnership and Digital Transformation Agreement in Tourism 2022-2025 (EPRTNT).
The EPRTNT aims to provide financial support for the implementation of collective projects with a view to stimulating the development, renewal and structuring of the tourism offering in the regions of Quebec. Thus, in this context, the budget envelope will be allocated via four structuring angles:
- The acquisition of technology to document and understand the regional tourism impacts of ski resorts and tourist travel;
- The development of a mobile application to increase interactions with the 1.6 million snow sports enthusiasts in Quebec and strengthen their commitment to winter sports;
- The development of a winter site in downtown Montreal, in collaboration with the Quartier des spectacles de Montréal partnership, to introduce winter sports, raise awareness among citizens about climate issues, introduce the general public to winter activities and structure a collective offer, while highlighting the mountains and winter attractions of Quebec;
- Support for the ASSQ's efforts to ensure the sustainability of ski resorts in adapting to climate change, in particular through an offer of support in organizations, diagnosis in order to establish the state of affairs and to carry out an analysis focused on the solutions to be implemented.
Ski industry continues to adapt to climate change
The ASSQ remains very proactive and is working on multiple tangible initiatives to support ski resorts in implementing good practices in the face of climate change. The Association will ensure that Quebec's mountains and winter attractions are further promoted and respond to the existing communication challenge. The creation of the Météo et Tourisme: A!ertes en effet Colloquium , which was held today, as well as a massive advertising campaign aimed at encouraging Quebecers to play outside this winter, are two examples of projects being carried out simultaneously by the ASSQ.
"Our industry is concerned about the perception of winter that is setting in among Quebecers, particularly in relation to weather forecasts and customer behaviour. Thanks to the financial support provided by the Ministry of Tourism, we will be able to continue to innovate collectively, at various levels, in order to ensure the sustainability of our ski resorts and the winter activities offered in the mountains and throughout all regions of Quebec," emphasizes Yves Juneau, President and CEO from the ASSQ.
“ Ski resorts are major attractions in Quebec’s tourism offering, contributing significantly to the regional economy and the influence of our destination. Our government is working in collaboration with the Association des stations de ski du Québec and its other partners in the ski industry to continue efforts to improve the resilience of ski resorts. This financial support clearly demonstrates our commitment to this end,” emphasizes Caroline Proulx, Minister of Tourism and Minister responsible for the Lanaudière region.