TechnoAlpin Offers Smarter And More Sustainable Snow Production Operations!

As the innovation leader of the snowmaking market, TechnoAlpin always strives to set the highest standards for ski resorts operators who are looking to optimize their snow production operations and lower their carbon footprint. Over the years, TechnoAlpin’s R&D team has worked extensively in order to offer snow guns, control systems and decision aid tools that allow to boost snow production while preserving and better managing available resources.
Smarter snowmaking is key in order to reach a greater sustainability with snow production.
With ATASSpro, TechnoAlpin has pushed again the limits and offers a state-of-the-art management software that makes it possible for snowmaking crews to maximize resource utilization while achieving in a timely fashion their production goals. This is now era of data and knowledge-based snowmaking.
ATASSpro includes several innovative and powerful features that will guide snowmaking crews. Among these are the Weather Forecast module and the Snow Production Forecast module, give highly accurate local forecasts in terms of weather condition evolutions and snow production potential for the coming days, allowing for very efficient planning of snow production operations, leading to more sustainable and constantly optimized water utilization. No more, no less! Another feature that makes the difference is the redesigned SnowManager which combines snow depth measures, weather forecast and operating parameters helping to determine most accurately the snow volume required to open and operate ski slopes.
In order to be even user-friendlier, the different views and information layers available (weather forecast etc.) have been redesigned too in order to offer at a glance the most important and relevant information to snowmaking crews. From the overview of the whole skiing terrain and slopes, down to specific sections of slopes and even snow pits, the key data and operating parameters are always available in order to make the right decision at the right time, allowing to make the most of the weather conditions.